Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social

Equidad / Mujeres y género / Violencia contra las mujeres

Logo Plan de Calidad para el SNS

Violencia contra las mujeres


Este documento es un compendio de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo por las Comunidades Autónomas del territorio español en materia de atención integral a la violencia de género, en el periodo que abarca del 30 de junio de 2005 hasta el 21 de diciembre de 2006. De esta manera, se ponen a disposición del sector salud y de la sociedad en general, en este segundo informe, datos y visiones sobre la actividad del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) en esta materia. Incluye un capítulo específico en el que se realiza un análisis descriptivo, a nivel internacional, de la presencia del sector salud y sus profesionales en aquellas leyes que regulan la atención a la violencia de género.  

Texto completo


Through this document the National Health System intends to honour the commitment to issuing an Annual Report on the state of the gender violence problem and the healthcare responses it is given.  This 2006 Report on healthcare attention to gender violence within the NHS we now present,spans the 18-month period between June 30, 2005 and December 21, 2006. It is meant to be a compilation of all actions undertaken by Autonomous Communities within Spanish Territory in terms of comprehensive attention to gender violence, aiming at making data and views on the National Health Systems activities relating to gender violence, available for the Health Sector and the whole Society. The Report includes a specific chapter where Laws regulating this matter are compared in the International sphere, regarding presence of the Health Sector and its professionals.

General assent and cooperation within the National Health System’s Interterritorial Council’s Commission Against Gender Violence have brought this document to completion. The Observatory on Women’s Health of the Ministry of Health and Consumers’ Affairs’ Quality Agency having taken over the Commission’s Secretaryship, assumed the overall compilation and synthesis as well as the integration of all commissioned studies.  

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