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Accrediting and auditing health care facilities and services

Review of 2006-2008

As part of the endeavour to improve the quality of the NHS and within the Ministry of Health and Social Policy’s sphere of responsibility, the processes for accrediting and auditing health care facilities and services are considered to be of fundamental importance. These processes are believed to be very useful in ensuring fulfilment by the facilities and services of their duty to provide specialised training in the health sciences, and also in the accreditation of NHS Reference Facilities, Services and Units, as provided by Royal Decree 1302/2006. Specific auditing plans and auditor training programmes have been developed in both cases.

With the participation of scientific societies and experts in the fields, documents on Standards and Recommendations in Quality and Safety are being prepared. The standards for the areas of Major Outpatient Surgery, Day Hospitals, Pluripathology Units, and Maternity Wards have been published during this period.

Activities Planned 2009-2010

The activities currently underway will continue, with improvements being made to the processes used in evaluating, auditing and accrediting teaching units and NHS reference facilities. Specifically, the Manual for the Evaluation of Teaching Units will be updated to reflect the new legislation (Royal Decree 183/2008, on the specialities of the health sciences and certain aspects of specialised health care training), as will be the Manuals for the Accreditation and Evaluation of Teaching Units that require updating due to changes in the corresponding training programme. The auditor training programme will also be consolidated. The Auditing Plan for Teaching Units and
Reference Facilities will be drawn up, by virtue of which audits will be performed in over 100 hospitals, for purposes of their accreditation or designation.

Reports will be prepared on standards and recommendations for new hospital units, such as; urgent care services, the intensive care unit, the hospital nursing unit and the palliative care unit.

Accrediting and auditing health care facilities and services.
-Preparation of documents on standards and recommendations in quality and safety for five units and health services.
-Audits for the accreditation of NHS Reference Facilities, Services and Units.
-Plan for teaching audits together with the autonomous communities, plan for the management of teaching quality, updates of evaluation and auditing manuals and consolidation of auditor training programme.