Patient safety

English Vol. 3 nº 4 December 2010 Boletín del Grupo Iberoamericano de Revisiones Sistemáticas sobre la Seguridad del Paciente

Elaborado por:

Logo Centro Cochrane

Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano

(Hospital de Sant Pau)

Seguridad del paciente

Español Vol. 3 nº 4 Diciembre 2010

Cochrane Corner

Outstanding review

Direct thrombin inhibitors for preventing venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing surgery to implant a prosthetic knee or hip

Summary of the Cochrane systematic review: Salazar CA, Manchester G, Malasquez G. Direct thrombin inhibitors versus vitamin K antagonists or low molecular weight heparins for prevention of venous thromboembolism Following total hip or knee replacement. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 4. Art No.: CD005981. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005981.pub2.

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Other revisions of interest

Interventions aimed at involving patients in activities to reduce the risks associated with the care received

Although it is not yet known whether these interventions are effective, some studies suggest that patients who engage in the supervision of their treatment with oral anticoagulants, show a lower risk associated with this therapy.

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The administration of vitamin D may reduce the risk of falling in the elders

A systematic review has evaluated the effectiveness of the administration of vitamin D (by itself or in combination with calcium supplements) to reduce falls in elderly patients.

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Brief News

Is it possible to buy antibiotics without prescription in pharmacies?

According to a study in Catalonia, almost half of the pharmacies evaluated sold antibiotics without prescription.

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Collagen sponges with antibiotics increase the risk of infection of the incision in colorectal surgery

A clinical trial suggests that absorbable collagen-gentamicin sponges deposited in the surgical bed before the closure of the incision in colorectal surgery, increase the risk of incisional infection.

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